Создан заказ №3508917
4 января 2019
Презентация на английском языке о любой британской школе
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Your presentation should cover the following issues:
1. What kind of school is it? What system of educational provision is in use
locally for children aged 5 — 18? What is the admission policy of the school?
2. What is the size of the school? (number of children of either sex, number of
staff of eit
her sex, age range of children, social background of the school's
catchment area if this is clear-cut)
3. What buildings and amenities does the school possess? (How many
classrooms are there? Are they well-equipped? Is there a hall, a library, ICT
facilities, specialist rooms or areas, a staff room, playing fields? Are the
buildings modern? Are there accommodation problems?)
4. How is teaching organized? (Streaming? Mixed ability grouping? Are classes
generally taught as a single unit or is group work or individual work the norm?
What about the physical organization of the classroom — do the children sit at
desks, in groups at tables, randomly? Is the timetable fixed or flexible?)
5. What subjects are included into the curriculum? What is taught at the various
age levels within the school? (Are specific subjects taught, or is teaching
arranged in more general areas like, for example, Aesthetics, Physical skills,
Communication?) Is there a Sixth Form? Are there any extracurricular activities
6. What forms of reward and punishment are normally used? What is the
attendance policy?
7. What testing is done in the school and what forms of records are kept? (Are
staff meetings held to discuss children's progress or is this done informally?
How are children and parents informed of progress?)
8. What system of examinations is used in the school?
9. In what way are parents involved with the school? (parents’ meetings, parentteacher
association, parental help in or out of school)
10. What do the school’s general aims appear to be?
11. What distinguishes the school from the other educational establishments in
the area? What are the advantages of being educated there
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
5 января 2019
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Презентация на английском языке о любой британской школе.docx
2020-06-11 10:02
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Спасибо автору за качественную работу) обращалась второй раз, автор очень доброжелательная)