Создан заказ №3596016
29 января 2019
Understand the relationship between high-growth ventures and local entrepreneurial ecosystem
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Эссе на английском языке. Предмет FinTech (финансовые технологии).
Word Limit: 1250 to 1500 words + bibliography
Assignment Descrip>on:
You will analyse the history and structure of an entrepreneurial ecosystem of your choice.
Choose a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem you are familiar with or one
where you might
want to move to in the future.
With reference to the literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems, analyse the entrepreneurial
history of the region with reference to major startup successes or failures. Use Harrington’s
(2016) model to map out the different support programs in the ecosystem. Identify the
major actors within the ecosystem, including instuons and people. What about the
ecosystem makes technology entrepreneurship, with specific reference to FinTech
opportunities? How will the structure or aTributes of the ecosystem affect technology
commercialisation activities that happen in that region? Are there specific aTributes of the
ecosystem that are particularly conducive to FinTech entrepreneurship
200 ₽
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30 января 2019
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Understand the relationship between high-growth ventures and local entrepreneurial ecosystem.docx
2020-11-12 18:16
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