Создан заказ №3622294
7 февраля 2019
Страноведение Великобритании
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Нужно сделать файл с подробными ответами на вопросы для зачета (на английском).
Вопросы к зачету:
1. Introduction. The national symbols. Geographical position. Climate. Nature.
2. Natural resources. Economy. Population. Religion.
3. Composition of the country. England.
4. Composition of the country
. Scotland.
5. Composition of the country. Wales.
6. Composition of the country. Northern Ireland.
7. Ancient Britain. Pre Celtic and Celtic people.
8. The Romans’ period.
9. Anglo-Saxon Britain.
10. Invasions of the Vikings. The England of Alfred the Great.
11. Edward the Confessor. The Battle of Hastings.
12. William the Conqueror. England after the Norman conquest. Conflicts with the church
and barons. The Domesday book (11-12 cent)
13. England in the 13th century. Richard I, John Lackland. Magna Carta Libertata. Henry III.
14. England in the 2nd half of the 13th century. Simon de Monfort. The growth of Parliament.
Edward I.
15. England in the 14th century. Edward II, III. The hundred years’ war. The Black Death.
The peasants’ revolt of 1381. Richard II.
16. England in the 15th century. The War of the Roses.
17. Tudor England (1485 – 1603). The English reformation. Henry VII and his heirs.
18. Tudor England (1485 – 1603). The golden age of Elizabeth. Mary Queen of Scots.
19. The Stuarts. The Stuart kings and their conflicts with the parliament. Oliver Cromwell
and the Commonwealth. The civil war and the new model army. Religious differences in
the country.
20. The 18th century – of wealth, technological revolution and power.
21. The 19th century – the Victorian Age of the British Empire and the new rivals.
22. The 20th century. World War I and Its Aftermath. World War II and the Welfare State.
23. The 20th century. The 1960s and 70s. The Thatcher Era to the Present.
24. The political System. British polity. The British Monarchy.
25. The British parliament. Functions. Structure.
26. The British parliament. The House of Commons. The work of the Parliament.
27. The British parliament. The House of Lords.
28. British government. Local government.
29. The electoral System. Political parties.
30. The British Constitution.
31. The System of Education. History.
32. Types of schools. Pre-school education. Primary education.
33. The system of secondary education. The 6th form and university entrance.
34. The system of higher education.
40. Customs and Tradition
200 ₽
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8 февраля 2019
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Страноведение Великобритании .docx
2019-10-11 00:03
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