Создан заказ №3645395
15 февраля 2019
the principal changes in the form of violent conflict between the Feudal to Early Modern periods in European
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
В соответствии с целями написания работы, реферат должен представлять
(1) ЧЁТКИЙ, логически последовательный аргумент(самое важное) (2), вокруг которого строится вся работа
(3) взаимодействовать с материалом источников на английском, которые ПРЕДОСТАВЛЕНЫ НИЖЕ (начинать с Тешке) и (4) демонстрироват
понимание основной и дополнительной литературы (или альтернативных источников КОТОРЫЕ лучше
подходит для конкретного аргумента )
The paper should not be less than 3000 and should not be more than 4000
words (excluding the works cited page).The quality of the argument, and engagement
with the course material is the most important aspect of the take-home paper. Formatting: Papers should be submitted using the font Times New Roman, size 11
(size 12 for headings), with 1.5 spacing, 3cm margins, full-justified and page numbers
on every page except the title page. Clearly indicate every new paragraph by
indenting its first sentence. use the American Psychological Association (APA) style of
referencing. There are numerous websites that describe how to cite sources in the
APA style that you may find on the internet. Plagiarism is when you present the ideas or work of other people as your
own. If you paraphrase, or directly quote the work of other authors, then you need to
indicate from where these formulations come by citation. Plagiarism is strictly
forbidden in the compilation of your essays, and any students found to have
plagiarized will receive a mark of 0% for their paper. To avoid plagiarism, it is extremely important to pay
close attention to the citation conventions, and how citations are deployed. For
example, referencing a quote several sentences after that which is directly quoted
might be misconstrued as plagiarism. Consequently, in the crafting of your essays
please pay very close attention to how you distinguish between your ideas and
insights and those of others.
500 ₽
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20 дней
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18 февраля 2019
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


the principal changes in the form of violent conflict between the Feudal to Early Modern periods in European .docx
2019-02-21 18:18
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С автором работать было довольно легко, только иногда возникали недопонимания, пришлось несколько раз объяснять. Но после указания на ошибки, автор быстро переделал работу, все хорошо