Создан заказ №3748299
18 марта 2019
Political economy of the Russian defense spendings 2009-2018:implications for foreign and domestic policy.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
-курсовая на английском
-к 28 марта нужна часть работы- introduction, methodology, literature review, hypothesis
-примерно 3000 слов
Political economy of the Russian defense spendings 2009-2018:implications for foreign and domestic policy.
Research question: Why Russian military spending rose d
ramatically during the great recession?
Theory: Public choice theory; decision-making theories
Methodology: Case studies, comparative analysis
Hypothesis: Despite the economic crisis Russian government enhanced its spendings because, since political system became more authoritarian, the interest to buy social groups decreased, therefore the government was able to focus on development of security structures.
Space: Russia
Time: 2009-201
500 ₽
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21 марта 2019
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Political economy of the Russian defense spendings 2009-2018:implications for foreign and domestic policy..docx
2019-03-24 13:33
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