Создан заказ №4044201
22 мая 2019
Рецензия на статью на английском языке (зарубежного автора)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Это план и примерная рецензия
1. Name(s) of the author(s): Brian Brown, Paul Crawford
2. Title of article: Cross-Cultural Etiquette and Communication in Global Business: Toward a Strategic Framework for Managing Corporate Expansion
3. Title of journal, volume number, date, month and page numbers: Jo
urnal of Business & Financial Affairs, Vol. 6, No. 3 (280), January 2017, pp. 68-75
4. Statement of the problem or issue discussed:
The article “Cross-Cultural Etiquette and Communication in Global Business: Toward a Strategic Framework for Managing Corporate Expansion” by Brian Brown and Paul Crawford seeks to address the providing a clear idea about the management role to sustain in the global market by considering the International business Etiquette and cross cultural differences. The research problem being addressed is the providing an analysis about the effectiveness of Cross-cultural communication and global workforce diversity.
5. The author’s purpose, approach or methods, hypothesis, and major conclusions.
The aim of the article is to provide the ways to maintain the cross-cultural communication that is helpful for international management assignment. The authors use the following methods of research: observation, existing data, quantitative and qualitative research. To such a complicated issue the authors sum the research up well by saying that cross-cultural communication and etiquette in international businesses is important for understanding the cultures and values of their counterparts as well as develops intercultural communication sensitivity for gaining desired return on investment and success in international market(p. 74).
6. Argumentation.
The authors say that the International business Etiquette and cross cultural differences have their own management role to sustain in the global market. The primary purpose of the article is to show the skills required for the Global managers for increasing the scope and global trends and investment. To support this claim the authors have provided a vast analysis with the references of current literature work on managing for worldwide competitive advantage through many elements that makes the international business managers to communicate and negotiate with different countries for gaining substantial prominence in worldwide Business. To conclude the authors have provided some effective rules of Etiquette in cross-cultural business like cross-cultural exchange, cross-cultural negotiation, and multinational assignment, cultural and regulatory variations. Also they provided the requirements of International business etiquette for gaining current and future business trends. It has been shown that there is a positive relationship between cross-cultural communication and effective international management.
7. Style.
The information is represented logically, consistently. All parts of the scientific article have been observed by the authors. The language of the article is simple and understandable. The authors also give the example which facilitates the understanding of the information by the readers.
8. Value of the study.
The research problem is significant as Cross-Cultural Etiquette is one of the most important factors that must be considered to grow the business globally and it is necessary for fruitful business communication for the strategic business manager. The article is related to the current business Etiquette and communication and maintains the accuracy, currency and stability so it is highly credible and relevant to the current business environment
200 ₽
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23 мая 2019
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Рецензия на статью на английском языке (зарубежного автора) .docx
2019-05-26 17:28
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