Создан заказ №4176614
30 августа 2019
Теоретическая фонетика (Просодия и интонация английского языка, Просодические транскрипции )
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Ответы на вопросы на русском и английском языке (краткий полный ответ). Оригинальность не требуется. Требований к оформлению нет.
1. Значения, создаваемые интонацией в английском языке.
2. Типы просодических контрастов в английском языке –
а) простые и сложные; силлабофокусные и фразодиффузные;
б) р
елевантные черты английских тонов (уровень, конфигурация, скорость).
3. Просодические транскрипции – К. Пайка, Л. Армстронг и И. Уорд, Г. Пальмера, Р. Кингдона, К. Пайка, Дж. Трейгера и Г. Смита, Дж. О’Коннора и Г. Арнольда, Д. Кристала и др.
4. Найдите 5 недостатков в системе интонационной транскрипции по Л. Армстронг и И. Уорд.
5. В чем преимущество и недостатки интонационной транскрипции по Д. Болинджеру?
6. Затранскрибируйте просодию фразы It wasn’t e xactly sen`sational, ͵was it? в американской транскрипции.
7. Каков вклад Д. Кристала в теорию и практику просодической транскрипции?
1. Why is intonation viewed as a language universal?
2. What are the levels of studying intonation? What language aspects
do they comprise?
3. Discuss the priorities in the linguistic study of intonation in foreign
linguistics. Explain the essence of the theories by:
a) H. Sweet;
b) M. Halliday;
c) K. Pike;
d) D. Crystal.
4. Give your arguments for the definition of intonation suggested by
Russian linguists.
5. What is the difference between the terms ‘intonation’ and ‘prosody’?
6. Define the term ‘intonation pattern’. How is it related to the term
‘intonation group’?
7. What components form the structure of an intonation pattern?
8. What does the pitch component of intonation include?
9. What effect is achieved by variations in the direction of pitch?
10. What nuclear tones are distinguished in modern English? Which of
them do you think to be necessary for pronunciation teaching?
11. What other pitch parameters are important in modifying the contour
of an intonation pattern?
12. Characterize the loudness component of intonation. Suggest your
reasons for its connection with the pitch component.
13. What does the term ‘tempo’ imply? Explain the peculiarities of rate
and pausation.
14. How is the prosodic system of the English language formed and
actualized in the process of communication?
15. Speak on the structure of the intonation pattern.
16. Discuss the pre-nuclear and terminal parts of the intonation pattern.
Which has the greatest functional value? Why?
17. Which parts of the intonation pattern are optional? Give your rea-
18. What are the ways of representing intonation?
19. How is the functional aspect of intonation presented in foreign lin-
20. What conception of the functional level of intonation is followed in
home linguistics?
21. State the value of the communicative function of intonation.
22. What functions of intonation are important for language teaching?
Characterize the role of these functions in the process of communi-
23. Suggest examples for the distinctive function of intonation.
24. Prove that intonation is a unit of phonology.
25. Give the classification of phonological units. Illustrate its main ideas
with the help of tonemes.
26. What is your understanding of intonation and its role in language
27. What types of rhythmic language organization do you know?
28. Speak on the peculiarities of English rhythm.
200 ₽
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31 августа 2019
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Теоретическая фонетика (Просодия и интонация английского языка, Просодические транскрипции ).docx
2019-09-03 20:07
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