Создан заказ №4262009
14 октября 2019
Неличные формы глагола
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Упражнение 1. В каждом предложении укажите неличные формы глагола.
Пример: The man signing the papers is my chief.
signing – причастие I
1. To become more effective a manager needs to make style unawareness smaller by increasing the size of style awareness.
2. Feedback loops are designed to provide
corrections to the planned course.
3. Resistance to change occurs at all levels in an organization.
4. Some managers say that the first thing to do with an idea is to separate it from the manager who first thought of it – make it group property.
5. To protect our self-image, we may deny the things within ourselves which are not flattering or are disgusting.
6. Intelligent efforts to solve the conflict can replace blind aggression against the source of conflict.
7. Everyone likes to believe he is responsible.
8. There is no way to avoid distortion in communication, but we can minimize this distortion by undertaking its sources and causes.
9. The most important skill of all for local administrators is the ability to work with people.
10. It is necessary to make one-to-one contact with elected officials, find out what their feelings are toward planning.
11. The change to be made may be reassigning duties, modifying a work process, changing the role of a staff unit.
12. It is good management to provide a safe, healthy, and, as far as possible, a congenial working environment for all employees.
Упражнение 2. Укажите сложные конструкции с инфинитивом и причастием.
Пример: His father considered business to be right choice for his son.(сложное дополнение)
1. Every manager is known to have a personal responsibility to raise the level of skill of his employees.
2. The good morale is considered to be correlated with high productivity.
3. They expect graduates to have deep knowledge in particular subjects.
4. We consider a state of risk to be a more common decision-making condition.
5. Leadership is thought to be one of the elements of the overall managerial job.
6. Some experts believe decision-making to be the most basic and fundamental of all managerial skills.
7. The effective personnel managers are expected to have technical, interpersonal, conceptual, diagnostic, and analytical skills.
8. Executives are believed to be responsible for social security programs.
9. During the job interview they would like the applicant to demonstrate all his skills.
10. Everybody expects him to make a wonderful career as a manager.
Упражнение 3. Укажите герундий и инфинитив.
1. To increase their sensitivity managers should attempt to build situations which have immediate feedback loops incorporated into them.
2. The change to be made may be reassigning duties, modifying a work process, changing the role of a staff unit.
3. Effective managers need to learn how to create massed undisturbed time and distributed undisturbed time.
4. Some managers employ change techniques not to improve their managerial effectiveness but simply for improving their personal effectiveness.
5. Our ability to motivate another individual depends on our sensitivity to his needs and wants.
6. Another important social motive is the desire to control or influence the behavior of others.
7. Administration should aim to meet all reasonable requests from trade unions for information which is relevant to the negotiations in hand.
8. Communication and consultation are necessary for promoting operational efficiency and mutual understanding and involvement of employees in their jobs.
9. It is good management to provide a safe, healthy, and, as far as possible, a congenial working environment for all employees.
10. Some managers use great skill in managing situations to suit their own ends.
11. Managers are sometimes faced with two different alternative methods of solving a particular problem involving people and the organization.
12. The compromiser manager avoids conflict by using participation
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
15 октября 2019
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Неличные формы глагола.docx
2020-06-02 03:57
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