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8 ноября 2019
Эссе на 1000 слов на английском языке на тему “Socrates as a champion of justice”
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Winter term 2019 essay topic on Socrates as a champion of justice. (15% of the semester’s grade.)
In the Gorgias, one of Plato’s dialogues, Socrates says, “I think that I am one of the few Athenians, not the only one, engaged in the true art of politics.
Of the men of today, I alone practice statesmanship” (521e). However, in the Apology, Socrates says, “ the true champion of justice, even if he wishes to survive for a short time, must necessarily confine himself to private life and leave politics alone.”
In your essay, with special reference to texts from Plato’s Apology, explain how these two apparently contradictory statements about Socrates can be reconciled.
In addition to showing how these two quotations can be reconciled, the second task of the essay is to explain, with reference to texts from the Apology, in what sense is Socrates a champion of justice. Your third task is to compare, in your closing paragraph, the Socratic conception of justice in the Apology with the conception of justice in those selected texts from the Republic in Wolff’s chapter on the Theory of the Healthy Personality (uploaded file to home assignments). How similar or different are these two conceptions of justice?
Remember that a good essay builds a strong argument and supports it with evidence from the text.
Due date of the essay is November 18th, 13:00
1. The length of the essay should be 1000 words. Maximum length is 1050 words. (Please do not exceed this limit.)
2. Do not discuss the Gorgias. Limit your discussion of Plato’s texts to the Apology and texts from Plato’s Republic in Wolff’s chapter on The Theory of the Healthy Personality in the Reader.
3. For such a short essay, you should begin your essay by showing how the two contradictory quotations can be reconciled. Failure to observe this guideline will be penalized.
4. Internet material used for this essay must be included in your bibliography at the end of the essay. If you use a quotation from a source other than Plato’s texts, the quotation must be numbered and the source of the quotation must be given noted at the bottom of the page. Failure to document material used will result in a mark of zero.
5. Late essays will not be accepted.
Limit your essay to no more than 1050 words and specify the number of words at the end of the essay.
You must put in quotation marks any material not your own and indicate the source, author, publisher, year and place of publication or website either at the bottom of the page or the end of the essay. All quotations in the essay must be given a number which must correspond to the number in your footnotes or endnotes. Essays in which sources used are not acknowledged and clearly specified will receive an unsatisfactory mark
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Эссе на 1000 слов на английском языке на тему “Socrates as a champion of justice”.docx
2020-12-21 08:59
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Юлия просто спасла меня! Выполнила эссе по философии в кратчайшие сроки, высокий процент оригинальности, получила высший балл!