Создан заказ №4454189
6 декабря 2019
Сортировка таблицы HTML с помощью JavaScript, данные в массиве
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Нужно сделать задание по сортировке таблицы HTML с помощью Javascript, данные в массиве.
Сортировка по имени, году, классу
нужно сделать сортировку данных из meteorites.js , фильтрацию, к примеру вывести все данные в таблице от 2000-2005г к примеру
Подробности в архиве.
Using the template attache
d to the task, create a web page for displaying information about earth meteorite landings.
A user must be able to select a class from the class select list and enter years, click the button "Show list" and see the list of meteorite landings that correspond to the filter condition (selected class and/or years) in the table. The contents of the table must change dynamically. The data filled in the table in the template are given just for an example.
The selection of class and years should be optional, i.e. the user must be able to display meteorite landings without selecting a class or without entering any of the years or without entering any information at all. Entering just one of the years (year from or year until) is also acceptable. I.e. all filter conditions are optional.
However, an application should check that the years entered are correct (each value is integer in the range from 1700 and current year and year-from is equal to or before year-until).
A user should have a possibility to hide the last two columns containing the coordinates of meteorite landings by clicking the button "Hide coordinates". The button should change to "Show coordinates" in this case. By clicking the button "Show coordinates", the user should be able to see the last coordinates columns.
The earth meteorite landings data are available in json format as a variable data (in a separate JavaScript file meteorites.js, which must not be changed!).
The list of classes is empty in the template. You should write a JavaScript to fill the list of classes with unique values in recclass attribute using the provided meteorites data. The mock-up of the code which gathers classes from meteorites data and sorts them alphabetically is available in the homework3.js file. You should implement addition of classes to the list "class-select". Remember that selection of any value from the list is optional for the user!
Срок: до 17.12.2019 включительно
20 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
7 декабря 2019
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Сортировка таблицы HTML с помощью JavaScript, данные в массиве.jpg
2020-10-27 13:49
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