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Студенческая работа на тему:
You have found a time-machine and traveled 40 years into the future where you are able to meet and interview y
Создан заказ №4529899
3 января 2020

You have found a time-machine and traveled 40 years into the future where you are able to meet and interview y

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Здравствуйте! Я поступаю в американскую Школу и мне задали эссе на эту тему: «You have found a time-machine and traveled 40 years into the future where you are able to meet and interview your future self. What did you do in the years following high school? Where do you find yourself living in the fu ture and what is your life like?» Я написала примерное эссе,но в нем не хватает какой то особенности,то что бы зацепило комиссию. Я прикреплю эссе сюда,сможете ли вы его переделать так,чтобы оно было особенным? An imaginary but a question that is worth asking What If I had a Time Machine? Everybody loves to have control in their hands and what if it really was. I would implement all my dreams so that I can change the entire course of history. And I had this opportunity. Recently I have found a time-machine which contribute to my attitude towards my future. This event gave me the skills and broad perspective I need for further self-development I wanted to discover my future and the person I will turn to. I launched the time-machine and traveled 40 years into the future. I could not even imagine that it reinforce my confidence in myself. And I did the right choice. I turned out to my new home. When I say myself, I noticed that I had dinner with my family . It enabled me to understand that I will live happy and find my happiness. There was my husband,my son and two daughters. I did not want to distract them from dinner,but my future self asked me: “Hello! Who are you?”. I came up to her and said:” Hello! I am you from the past. Can I ask you a few questions?”. To be honest,I was afraid that she would answer... But me from the future hugged me and answered:”Impossible! Of course!”. Then I met the whole family and we sat in the living room. I was very interested to know what I will do after graduation and where I will live. I asked my future self:” Can you tell me about my life after graduation?”. Me from the future answered:” Yes,sure! Let’s start with the fact that after your 10th grade , you will Enter to HPA and you will have the most interesting 2 years. As you know, life is all about choice. And it was the right choice, in the right time and in the right place. HPA is a destination of happiness. There is you will find your best friends and this school let know you that you have new second family. You will very close with them and even now we are family. A new part of my life has begun from the very first conversation with Mrs. Police ,when she briefed me on the school curriculum”. I was very happy and excited about that. “And what will happen next?”-I asked in anticipation. “After you were out of the HPA for six months, you and Professor Stephanie McDowell won a contest with “the island Man”project. You took 1st place. This project gave you the opportunity to go to University. And after your graduation you will Enter a very good university-“Harvard”. You will unlearn in university and will find the best job. You will be a businesswoman and you will have own company which helps students learn English.You know that every man search his own place in this world and I found this place, thanks to everything I've been through.” Honestly,I could not imagine that my life would be so perfect and productive. After our conversation, I looked at the house where my future self live. I saw a gallery with photos. The photos depicted all the stages of my life. First picture was taken at HPA,with my friends. Second picture at graduation,third picture in University. Next 2 photos where I was at graduation at university and in my job. Last photos were with my future family. This journey showed me I will achieve my goals and what I will live happy with my family in USA. I understood that I must achieve my goals and do every thing for this. And I realized that I need to appreciate everything that I have and be thankful
200 ₽
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4 января 2020
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You have found a time-machine and traveled 40 years into the future where you are able to meet and interview y.docx
2020-10-22 21:01
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