Создан заказ №460127
13 февраля 2015
Ответы на вопросы по иностранному языку
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Unit 1 HR
1. What is the primary role of the Human Resources Department?
2. What are the critical responsibilities of an HR department?
3. How do you think HR managers decide which employees have the most potential?
4. Which foreign country would you most like to work in if you had to work abroad? W
5. What is a self-appraisal method?
6. How are normally performance appraisals organized in the companies?
7. Give some examples of questions that you think could be asked during an appraisal interview.
8. What is «egalitarian work culture»?
9. How is the appraisal procedure perceived in other cultures?
10. Describe the company appraisal system you like best.
Unit 2 Organisations
1. How can you describe the organizational structure of a company? What does it define?
2. Would you rather have your own office or prefer the flexibility that hot desking offers? Why/Why not?
3. According to a recent book by Stanford graduates, what will the model for 21st century organisations be?
4. Why are fewer people willing to become leaders nowadays?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home and only meeting colleagues occasionally at the office?
6. Which sectors of industry do the oldest companies come from?
7. What makes it difficult to calculate the age of big complex companies?
8. At what stage in their development do most businesses fail? Why?
9. What, in your opinion, is the best way to prepare a member of the younger generation for running the family firm?
10. What does the list of team building practices include? Give details.
Unit 3 Change
1. What are the biggest challenges facing managers today?
2. What does change management mean? What are the three stages of change management?
3. How do you react to change?
4. What can be done to persuade people to accept change?
5. What are some of the mistakes managers make when introducing change?
6. What are the positive and negative impacts of globalization on the company?
7. Give a checklist of some of the things managers can do to minimize resistance to change?
8. What is «uncertainty avoidance»? Give details.
9. Does your culture have high or low level of tolerance for ambiguity and therefore change? Why/why not?
10. Give an example of a business organization that has recently introduced significant changes.
Unit 4 Responsibility
1. What is Corporate Citizenship or Corporate Responsibility? What does it provide?
2. How important is it to know how responsible a company is when you are buying one of its products or services?
3. How do you know whether the products that you buy are environmentally-friendly or not?
4. Do you think that CSR is an important consideration for all businesses? Should companies focus more on making a profit and less on doing good? Why/Why not?
5. List companies that have adopted CSR. How are they using CSR? What initiatives have they taken?
6. What is the danger of having a «scatter-gun» approach to CSR?
7. How could CSR have a harmful effect on some businesses?
8. What should companies do to protect the interests of workers in poorer countries?
9. What is the main purpose of Greenwashing and Whitewashing?
10. What are the strategies for taking responsibility in a crisis?
Unit 5 Governance
1. What is Corporate Governance?
2. What does shareholder activism refer to?
3. What is Japan’s attitude to American style governance?
4. Give examples of Russian style governance.
5. Do you think that «companies should be run to maximize the returns to shareholders’ as some people connected with the Bull-Dog saga did, or do you believe, like traditionalists in Japan, that «companies are social communities, not baubles to be bought and sold»?
6. Give examples of how you think the approach of «Anglo-Saxon capitalism» to business would be manifested. Think about as many different aspects of business as you can, for example attitudes to time, money, people and negotiations.
7. What do shareholders hope to achieve by gaining some control over pay?
8. Do you think that CEOs should be paid extremely high salaries? Why/Why not?
9. What do you know about presenting arguments? Describe some approaches.
10. How do people give opinions? What is the difference between hierarchy-centered cultures and open cultures? Which is closest to your culture?
200 ₽
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Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
14 февраля 2015
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Ответы на вопросы по иностранному языку.docx
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