Создан заказ №4619438
1 февраля 2020
Ин яз тест, около 100-150 вопросов+/-
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Время не ограничено.
Примерные вопросы
how many stories did o.henry write?
учебное пособие: guide to english and american literature (стр 132- 182) о.в. зубанова who used the pen-name of richard saunders?
whitman’s collection of poems was named:
учебное пособие: guide to english and american liter
ature (стр 4 – 44) which byron’s poem inspired tchaikovsky to compose a symphony?
how many stories did o.henry write?
the employees ... from about 15 different countries.
five years ago, businessman simon woodroffe had a good idea. he was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. the bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. he could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. now travellers in some of britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. the rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. they are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. woodroffe calls his hotel ‘yotel’. each room has a tv, a desk and a shower and costs £50. you can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. the small rooms are very popular with travellers. woodroffe thinks he will open more yotels in city centres. the yotel showers are …
прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:… are children who are just learning to wal
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
2 февраля 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Ин яз тест, около 100-150 вопросов+/-.docx
2020-02-05 00:34
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