Создан заказ №4663740
19 февраля 2020
Презентация по книге Дж.Д . Селинджера «Над пропастью во ржи» на английском
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
The Book Analysis Format
I. Basic information
A. The name of the book.
B. The name of the author.
C. When the book was written or published.
D. A one-sentence summary of what the book is really about.
This is not an overall plot summary but the summary of the essence of the plot.
E. Any other pertin
ent details about the book:
1. is the book part of a series?
2. does the book have an interesting relationship to the author's life or career?
3. any other interesting details
a. about the book? (historical fiction/science fiction/ fantasy/some other genre)
b. about the author?
II. Characters
Who is the narrator, the person telling the story?
Who is the main character? What are the names and roles of the main characters? What type of characters are they? What qualities stand out? Are they stereotypes? Has the author described the characters by physical appearance, thoughts and feelings, and interaction (the way they act towards others)?
III. Setting, Time and Plot
Where does the action take place? Is the setting critical to the story? When does the story take place? Is it timeless, or is it grounded in a particular place and time?
Retell the Plot
IV. Quotations and their analysis
V. The final section/paragraph sums up your analysis
A. Theme: What are the themes of the story? What elements or ideas are repeated or emphasized? What is the message?
B. List several strengths of the book. List several weaknesses of the book.
C. Your impression. Your recommendations.
200 ₽
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Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
20 февраля 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Презентация по книге Дж.Д . Селинджера «Над пропастью во ржи» на английском .docx
2020-02-23 16:33
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