Создан заказ №4665142
20 февраля 2020
Strategies, employed by voters, to acquire political information and make political decisions
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1300-1500 words.
Democracies (to flourish) put important demands on citizens. It requires them to be informed about politics: following events of local,national, and international politics and keeping up with political parties and candidates’ proposed solutions to local, national, and international
problems. Thus citizens need to acquire information. But,
there is more. Citizens are also frequently asked to make evaluative
judgments about local, national, and international affairs (through polls, for example) and chose between parties and candidates in elections and proposals in plebiscites and referendums. From a political psychology perspective, discuss how citizens go about executing these tasks. In particular, address how citizens acquire and process political information and come to make judgments and decisions. Also, what kind of strategies citizens use to cope with these demands? Do such strategies always take them to the ”right” place
200 ₽
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20 дней
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21 февраля 2020
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Strategies, employed by voters, to acquire political information and make political decisions.docx
2020-02-24 00:45
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