Создан заказ №4892253
12 апреля 2020
Написать 3х страничное эссе по теме: формирование образа хоккеиста средствами кино.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Написать 3х страничное эссе по теме:
"формирование образа хоккеиста средствами кино." и указать ссылки. Шрифт 14 Times New Roman, интервал 1.5, кол-во страниц 3 ПРИМЕР структурного оформления работы Make sure you include the following elements in your article: Title, Authors and Affiliation, Abstra
ct, Key Words, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited Introduction: What is the problem? Why is the problem significant? What gap exists in previous literature that your research aims to fill? Statement of purpose: Why did you choose to conduct this study? Methods or approach: What did you actually do to get your results? How did you do it? (For instance, mention whether you have conducted interviews, analyzed literature or used some equipment, etc.) Results: What did you learn or find as a resultof conducting these procedures? Discussion State the main findings of the study Discuss the main results with reference to previous research Discuss policy and practice implications of the results Analyze the strengths and limitations of the study Offer perspectives for future work Conclusions: How are your findings significant? What are the larger implications of your findings, and how do they relate to the gap in research that you have identifie
200 ₽
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13 апреля 2020
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Написать 3х страничное эссе по теме: формирование образа хоккеиста средствами кино..docx
2020-04-16 21:43
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