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27 апреля 2020
Эссе на английском по книге The Great Gatsby
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Эссе должно быть написано по одному из трех вопросов . Должна быть соблюдена структура ,introduction , main body , conclusion . Количество слов 500 +
1.Although Nick Carraway has his reservations about Gatsby, it is clear he thinks of him fondly; after all, he titles the book The Great Gatsby. He
leads a questionable existence and comes to a tragic end, yet Nick (and by extension, the readers) feels empathetic toward him. Does Gatsby deserve to be called "Great"? In what ways is he great? In what ways is he not? In the end, which wins out: greatness or mediocrity?
2. Although Gatsby professed to love Daisy, there is a sense that he was not in love with her as much as he was in love with the idea of her. Where can you find evidence of Gatsby's devotion to an ideal rather than an actual person?
3. Throughout the story, Gatsby has difficulty accepting that the past is over and done with. Where do you find evidence of his trying to recapture the past? What does this say about him? Should people live their lives yearning for something in the past? Why or why not
200 ₽
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28 апреля 2020
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Эссе на английском по книге The Great Gatsby .docx
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