Создан заказ №5088500
10 мая 2020
To what extent is man made pollution to blame for the loss of biodiversity in Australia and China
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Срок очень маленький, три дня. Работа срочная, полностью на английском языке. Процент оригинальности 90+
тема: to what extent is man made pollution to blame for the loss of biodiversity in Australia and China and how successful is UNEP at limiting its negative effects.
тезис: although there are
several significant factors affecting the loss of biodiversity in countries such as Australia and China it could be said that pollution and habitat destruction which are closely intertwined play the most vital role. Furthermore, despite such world organisations as UNEP dedicating its resources to combat this problem UN prediction for 2050 states that over a million species will be threatened with extinction
500 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
13 мая 2020
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To what extent is man made pollution to blame for the loss of biodiversity in Australia and China.docx
2020-05-16 23:58
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