Создан заказ №5211431
26 мая 2020
A Literary Analysis of "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Cover the following points:
1. Make a short introduction about the subject and theme of the story.
2. Characterize temporal setting:
A) What is the general temporal setting of the story?
B) What detailed temporal setting is indicated in the story?
C) How is temporal setting brought to the attention
of the reader? What is the significance?
3. Characterize the physical setting
A) Does the action take place in the same location? Is it equally vivid (vague) throughout?
B) What physical setting details come into the narrative focus? What is the significance for the story?
4. Interaction between setting and narrative:
A) Describe the shifts of narrative focus between elements of physical setting and from more general to more detailed setting. What is the significance?
B) What details of physical and (or) temporal setting appear repeatedly? Why?
5. Conclude by formulating your answer to the essay question.
200 ₽
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27 мая 2020
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A Literary Analysis of "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury .docx
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