Создан заказ №5297783
9 июня 2020
Celta assignment 3. Language skills related task
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Celta assignment 3
Объем работы (строго): 750-1000 слов.
Разработка материала для уровня Upper-Intermediate. Строго по критериям.
Find a piece of authentic material (a reading or a listening text) that is appropriate for the TP group that you taught during the first 2 weeks of the course. Think abo
ut their needs, interests and levels of ability. It is possible to select only a section of the original text, but you must not simplify the actual text to ensure the material is still authentic. It is not usually possible to cut and paste some elements of a text either, as this may break the cohesiveness of the text.
Include the following sections into your assignment:
Part 1: Justification of material choice (150 words approx.)
Justify your choice of material, stating what text you have selected and why you think it is appropriate for the group (with reference to your group’s level, relevance to learners’ needs and interests, etc.) The texts chosen should be topical and up-to-date.
Part 2: Receptive skill task design (550 words approx.)
1. Decide on the receptive skill you would like to practise with your learners, i.e. reading or listening.
2. Have a closer look at the text and decide on at least two sub-skills (gist, detail, specific information).
3. Design a task for each sub-skill and make sure this task will give the learners appropriate practice in the sub-skill.
4. Describe the task in the body of the assignment, but if the task requires handouts, you should design those handouts, include them in the appendices (don’t forget to reference them as ‘self-designed’) and refer to them in the main body of the assignment (e.g. “see HO#3”). Provide the answers to the questions in your tasks either in the body of your assignment (if there are no handouts) or in the appendices (if there are some).
i) state the aim for each task;
ii) briefly outline the procedure for each task, e.g. how you are going to set up the activity, deal with any vocabulary that needs pre-teaching (you do not have to analyse this vocabulary in depth, just list the items), time limits, feedback, etc. However, if you wish, you can do some language analysis and describe the way you are going to convey the meaning and check understanding of the language you’re going to pre-teach – in this case, attach these notes as one of the Appendices;
iii) state your rationale for each task, covering the following areas: why it is suitable for the chosen material and the target skill and why it is useful for the specified students.
Part 3: Productive skill task design (300 words approx.)
Decide on one productive skill (speaking or writing) and design a task for the material that gives the students practice in this skill. Note that this should be a skills-based activity, not a grammar or vocabulary activity.
i) state the aim for the task;
ii) briefly outline the procedure, i.e. how you would use the task in class (e.g. set-up of activity, time limits, feedback, etc.). You do not need to include a lesson plan;
iii) state the rationale for the task, covering the following areas: how it relates to / exploits the chosen material and why it is useful for the specified students.
Please attach (as appendices) a copy of both the material and the tasks (including the answers).
The word limit is 750-1000 words (excluding appendices, i.e. the tasks (and the authentic material) themselves should not be included in the number of words).
You mush include at least one reference to your background readings on skills in your assignment (see recommended literature and conventions for referencing below marked with an asterisk*).
Part 4: Bibliography
List here all your sources you referenced in the assignment (use the referencing conventions outlined below).
- Your text (with a copyright notice). If you use a listening text, please include the link to your audio/video and email this link to your tutor/or provide the tutor with the audio/videofile. Ideally, you should also include the transcript into your assignment. For youtube videos, you can generate automatic subtitles, edit them and include them as your transcript if the transcript is not available.
- Handouts for all your tasks, if relevant (they should look the way you would give them to your students), and answer keys. Don’t forget to reference them as ‘self-designed’
- Any other materials/notes you choose to include in the appendices
100 ₽
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10 июня 2020
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Celta assignment 3. Language skills related task.docx
2020-06-13 20:16
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