Создан заказ №5477836
28 сентября 2020
Эссе на английском по маркетингу about emerging trends in marketing research methods
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Individual task
1. Find information about emerging trends in Marketing Research methods. You can start with reading the below suggested links which will give you a good overview of the latest trends in new research methodologies overall, and then find yourself more detailed information on speci
fic methodologies.
2. Select one methodology from above which you like the most and describe in a short essay:
o Its key characteristics
o Advantages and disadvantages
o When do you think it makes sense to use it? Provide examples of business questions, which can be addressed with this research methodology.
Essay length: 1 page. Word format.
Attached is the article on research methodologies trends which will give you some ideas. You can also check the link below. However, please don’t limit your search above and try to find more information on the selected methodology.
However, you should not take ideas from the files, they should be new ones
200 ₽
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20 дней
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29 сентября 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Эссе на английском по маркетингу about emerging trends in marketing research methods.docx
2021-03-09 11:05
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Анна сделала хорошую работу. Пришлось указывать на ошибки, но они были устранены очень оперативно. Советую! Анне успехов :)