Создан заказ №5561120
19 октября 2020
Essay based on reading (critics on author's opinion)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Architecture Theory and Criticism I –
Assignment no 2:
Prepare 3 page descriptive essay ( 11 or 12 pt. - 1200 words) essay based on lecture materials, video and
assigned reading. ( Refer to course syllabus) . Choose one of the options topics below to prepare your essay:
Option 1: Define and explain
Vitruvius ideas about the education of the architect and respond to the following.
Did Vitruvius believe that architecture had a theoretical as well as a practical component and why is this
significant? What skills and knowledge are required of the architect's education? What is the architects role
and the architects significance to other disciples and art forms. Explain the significance of this and provide
examples that defend his position, or not. Do you think Vitruvius ideas are relevant to the education of the
architect in the 20th-21st. Cen. ? Explain how education and architects social role have changed, or not?
Option 2: Discuss, define and explain Vitruvius triad: firmitus-utilitus-venustus. Respond to and discuss its
significance , its relevance to classicism. In what way do you believe it is, or is not relevant to contemporary
architecture? Explain Vitruvius ideas and notion about symmetry and proportion. What is the source and why is
the proportion system-module described by Vitruvius significant and what does the Vitruvian man represent?
How does Vitruvius relate the architect to other disciplines (i.e. mathematics, music, philosophy, etc. ) and why
is this relevant to understanding and practicing architecture.
Essay- critical reading & writing guidelines
Critical Reading
Critical reading requires that you look beyond finding information or locating and author’s purpose or identifying
main idea. Critical reading requires that you dig deep into theoretical text sifting out meaning, systems of
relationships between ideas and carefully examine your own response to these ideas and the impact of these
ideas on the world around you. Critical reading requires that you question.
Critical reading approach initiates rather than waiting for the author to tell you his story. Reading is a sort of
social act of interaction looking between the lines to make your own analysis and synthesis presenting your own
agenda and conclusions. The process is similar to engaging in a conversation taking the opportunity to respond
once the author has presented his point or case. Critical writing requires a response that you read carefully,
questioning and responding so that you can formulate your response.
Critical Writing
There are various types of writing types: descriptive, reflective, theoretical, argumentative always trying to
relate your readings and writing to your studio work, classroom lectures and discussions and your theoretical
readings. This can include analysis of architecture, cities, theoretical texts and formulation of concise written
responses in chosen format.
This course and its assignments requires that you learn to make an argument. For an essay or term paper as
such typically required three elements: thesis; anti-thesis and synthesis. Writing requires clear thinking succinct
choice of words and development of argument with supporting evidence. The goal is to develop the ability to
describe your ideas about the text, communicate your ideas in written form or in oral form ( group presentation
project) which requires founded arguments that are communicated visually and in writing
200 ₽
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20 октября 2020
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Essay based on reading (critics on author's opinion).docx
2020-10-23 14:40
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