Создан заказ №5567195
21 октября 2020
Грамматические категории глагола, прилагательного, местоимения и наречия
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Раздел «Грамматические категории прилагательного, местоимения и наречия»
1. Распределите наречия по группам:
качественные наречия; количественные наречия; обстоятельственные наречия: quickly, often, clockwise, once, there.
2. Identifying adjectives and adverbs:
1. They were cute invitations, weren't
2. That looks pretty good.
3. [From a discussion of the meaning of 'wild boar'] Can it be farmed intensively or should it be reared extensively?
4. Here there are eight shared electrons; therefore methane is uncharged.
5. The initial objective is to identify areas within cities which exhibit distinctive characteristics and which can be shown to be relatively homogenous.
3. Formation of adjectives. Identify each adjective in the sentences below, and state how it was formed. Choose from the following:
(a) participial form
(b) derivational suffix
(c) compounding (including compounds containing participial and derived forms)
(d) simple form (i.e. not using any of the processes for forming new adjectives).
1. It is useful to review some of the major classifications of motivation theories.
2. Well in the beginning we kind of felt nervous.
3. The more cycles per second, the higher you go in the so-called spectrum of frequencies.
4. Earth trickled by the gap in the bank to the broken roots below.
4. The syntactic roles of adjectives. Use any English language materials that are available to you to find examples of adjectives in the following syntactic roles. Alternatively, if you do not have many English materials, you may make up an original example of your own. In your examples, underline the adjective or adjective phrase that illustrates the role. An example is given to illustrate each category.
1 attributive: Waste generation and environmental pollution are visible consequences of any form of industrial activity.
2 subject predicative: That's cool.
3 object predicative: If they find him innocent they won't be able to charge him.
4 postposed modifier: Don't watch anything scary before you go to bed.
5 noun phrase head: A modest effort was begun in some countries toward compensating women for the work they had always done for nothing: cooking, cleaning, taking care of children, the sick and the old.
6 (part of a) linking expression: I had no one else to go to when my parent was angry with me or when I felt unjustly treated. Equally important, my parent had no one with whom to discuss child rearing or domestic crises.
7 free modifier: Silent with awe and pity I went to her bedside.
8 exclamation: A: ... and he and he got a scholarship so ... B: Fantastic!
Раздел «Глагол и его грамматические категории»
5. Распределите нижеприведенные глаголы по их обобщенной семантике (отношения между субъектом и процессом):
arrive, worry, smell, make, neglect, listen, walk, taste, be, support, hear
А. акциональные глаголы - _____
В. статальные глаголы - ______
С. глаголы процессуальной семантики - _____
D. глаголы двойной (акциональной и неакциональной) семантики - _____
6. Распределите следующие глаголы по аспектному значению: to sleep, to leave, to work, to build, to feel, to sell
А. предельные глаголы - _____________________________________
В. непредельные глаголы - ___________________________________
С. глаголы с двойным (предельным и непредельным) аспектным значением -
7. В каком из приведенных ниже предложений «–ing» форма глагола является:
А. герундием - _________
В. причастием I - ________
С. отглагольным существительным - ________
a) That would mean telling him everything. b) She turned around, smiling. c) When speaking to me, she fumbled with the keys. d) Her fumbling with the keys irritated me. e) The happy ending was unexpected.
8. Какие из перечисленных ниже глаголов не могут употребляться в форме пассивного залога и почему:
to decide, to resemble, to fit, to laugh, to belong, to work, to cost
200 ₽
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22 октября 2020
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Грамматические категории глагола, прилагательного, местоимения и наречия.docx
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Выполнено все в срок,быстро.Не могу сказать что супер правильно, т.к были и не верные ответы, цена недорогая.Спасибо.