Создан заказ №5569853
21 октября 2020
Information in terms of socio-political activity.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1. Information: its typesand their public influence.
2.Mass information: frameworks and trends.
3.Media and their role in the promotion of mass information
A final essay (2000words) has to be submittedwithin the next tendays after finishing the course.The essay necessarily includes three parts: int
roduction, mainpart and conclusion.The introductionspecifiesthe main idea (what precisely and why a studentwould like to investigate within the chosen topic) and consistency of arguments to be raised by the student. Also, it can submit a selection of books and articles taken by him/her for scholarly reflection. The bibliography represented in the introduction needs to be submitted in a separate paragraph, following an answer tothe question:how these writings helped to figureout the chosen topic. The main (major) partsets about arguments being supportive forjustification of the topicbeing selected. The essay should be based on referring to the sources recommended in the bibliography. Without using bibliography(three to four sources), the essay can not be accepted.References can bequotedor used in a non-directway,but the main part seems to be insufficient if it is going to hold only reflections of the student, without references.The main part should hold not onlybut also examplesfrom political and media practice confirming theoretical insights taken for consideration.
6The conclusion summarizes the main points set about by a student during his/her investigation of the topic. This shouldclarifythe idea declared in the introductionon how the purpose of the essay has been reached. Thereby the student showsthe basics of his/her logicas well ashis/her detailed understanding of the topicand an ability to set about the main argumentsconcerning the topic
200 ₽
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22 октября 2020
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Information in terms of socio-political activity..docx
2020-10-25 10:49
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