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Студенческая работа на тему:
Exercises I. Change these sentences, using Patterns 1a and 1b: Example: We should meet a lot of tourists if we
Создан заказ №5601733
28 октября 2020

Exercises I. Change these sentences, using Patterns 1a and 1b: Example: We should meet a lot of tourists if we

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Exercises I. Change these sentences, using Patterns 1a and 1b: Example: We should meet a lot of tourists if we went to a tourist camp next summer. We should have met a lot of tourists if we had gone to a tourist camp last year (last summer, when we had our holiday, etc.). 1. Mario wouldn't come to England if John didn't invite him. 2. Peter would accept your invitation if he were not ill. 3. It wouldn't be a hardship for the children to sweep and clean the rooms, would it? 4. If the weather were fine we should go to a holiday camp next summer. 5. We would live in a hotel if the rates were not very high. 6. It would be natural if they didn't meet after their quarrel. 7. My friend and I would go to the cinema after this lesson if the rest of the students agreed to go with us. 8. If the weather didn't change we should go to the country tonight. II. Combine the fallowing sentences into one, using speech Pattern 1c: Example: They quarrelled. They both are very nervous. They wouldn't have quarrelled if they both were not very nervous. +1. Bob recovered. The doctors that had treated him are very experienced. 2. Mary passed her exams. She is industrious. 3. We invited John Brown to our tea-party. We are acquainted with him. 4. I didn't leave the children alone. They are naughty. 5. She didn't agree to teach us French. She doesn't know the language well. 6. Martha understood the German delegates, she is a German. 7. I gave you this book because it's very interesting. 8. I advised my friends to have a walking tour because I myself am fond of walking tours. III. Make up sentences after Patterns 2 and 3, using the following words and phrases: a) Pattern 2: to be busy, to know a lot, to understand each other, to hate (smb. or smth.), to love music, е.g. Ann seems to love children, I often see her playing with little boys and girls in our yard. b) Pattern 3: to scold each other, to argue (about smth.), to meet (with), to write a letter, to dream (of smth), е.g. She can't keep from crying when she reads sentimental poetry
100 ₽
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29 октября 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
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Exercises I. Change these sentences, using Patterns 1a and 1b: Example: We should meet a lot of tourists if we.docx
2020-11-01 20:19
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