Создан заказ №5652251
7 ноября 2020
In the Gorgias, one of Plato’s dialogues, Socrates says, “I think that I am one of the few Athenians, not the
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1. The length of the essay should be 500 words. (Please do not exceed this limit by more than 10%. Essays over limit will be penalized!)
2. Do not discuss the Gorgias. Limit your discussion of Plato’s texts to the Apology and texts from the home assignments.
3. For such a short essay, you should beg
in your essay by showing how the two contradictory quotations can be reconciled. Failure to observe this guideline will be penalized.
4. Internet material used for this essay must be included in your bibliography at the end of the essay. If you use a quotation from a source other than Plato’s texts, the quotation must be numbered and the source of the quotation must be given noted at the bottom of the page. Failure to document material used will result in a mark of ZERO.
5. Late essays will not be accepted.
6. Limit your essay to no more than 500 words and specify the number of words at the end of the essay.
7. Your essay MUST include a bibliography, specifying ALL the sources that you have used! The bibliography does NOT count towards the 500 words limit! эссе на английско
200 ₽
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8 ноября 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
In the Gorgias, one of Plato’s dialogues, Socrates says, “I think that I am one of the few Athenians, not the .docx
2021-01-02 17:25
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Потрясающий конспект по философии! Автор выполнила работу очень быстро (за пару часов, хотя дедлайн был в несколько дней) и максимально качественно! Рекомендую для ваших заказов!)