Создан заказ №5678285
12 ноября 2020
Essay based on video (Christopher Rothko on a dialogue between Turner and Mark Rothko)
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
YouTube video: Christopher Rothko on a dialogue between Turner and Mark Rothko 1. Watch the video for discussion ( link below) 2. Write 2 page (900 word essay): · Discuss and argue why you believe John Ruskin defended .JM.W. Turner’s paintings in opposition to popular criticism? Why according to Rus
kin is the skill of observation ( sketching and drawing) so important for the artist and the architect? · Discuss the significance of Ruskins quote «The power of association is stronger than the power of beauty; therefore, the power of association is the power of beauty» in relation to Turner’s and Mark Rothko’s paintings? How do you think the idea(s) contained in this quote apply to architecture ( ref. Seven Lamp Stands of Architecture) , or not? Describe at least one contemporary building example to defend your argument? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7M4S7KeOt
200 ₽
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13 ноября 2020
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Essay based on video (Christopher Rothko on a dialogue between Turner and Mark Rothko).docx
2020-11-16 01:40
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Работа выполнена хорошо, были учтены все мои пожелания, нужно было написать мотивационное эссе к поступлению в вуз и автор с этим справился на отлично.