Создан заказ №5698607
15 ноября 2020
-Construct a program that will request you to input function and will perform evaluation of all critical point
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
-Construct a program that will request you to input function and will perform evaluation of all critical points by solving a system of equations and by evaluation of the determinant of the Hessian Matrix will determine local max/min or saddle points.Guidance:-You May use any programming language.-Th
e program shall work with one of the input of the functionsprovided below.-It is not allowed to use ready functions to perform operations except arithmetical.-Derivative should be computed by definition (limit notation).-It is allowed to apply numerical methods for solving system of equations
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
16 ноября 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


-Construct a program that will request you to input function and will perform evaluation of all critical point.docx
2020-11-19 17:42
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