Создан заказ №5818814
2 декабря 2020
Family budget: what terms are used (kubyzhka), in whose hands it is, how is it filled, and by whom? Whose mone
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Family budget: what terms are used (kubyzhka), in whose hands it is, how is it filled, and by whom? Whose money (women’s, youngsters, retired) is the kubyzhka?
Сочинение на 1500-1600 слов. In the introduction, please describe your research question and make sure to indicate why is it important for
anthropology — specifically for the kind of anthropology you are taking right now (i.e., the anthropology of kinship and/or gender). It is a good idea to start form a debate in anthropology and address how your case study might contribute to this debate and/or intervene in it, and/or critique its terms and approaches. Introduction should also include a methodology section. In this section, describe how you conducted your research, how you selected your informants.
In the main body of your paper (the case study), describe your material. Think of effective ways to narrate what your informants have told you. For example, think of interesting aways in which some of the anthropologists you have read did this — for example, Malinowski, Berendt, Buckley or Jauregui — historians such as Urbach or historical sociologists such as Zelizer.
The concussing section is a very important part of the essay. In it, discuss ways in which your material confirms or sheds a new light on the anthropological debate(s) that you wish to address. Is this the place to address the ‘so what’ question. You presented your material. Ok. Why is it interesting and important for specific anthropological discussion of kinship and/or gender? How different do these anthropological discussions look after you integrate your case study into it? The research paper length should not accede 2,000 words, but aim at between 1,000 and 2,000 words. The paper consists of introduction, your case study and concluding discussion in light of the course key readings.
200 ₽
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3 декабря 2020
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Family budget: what terms are used (kubyzhka), in whose hands it is, how is it filled, and by whom? Whose mone.docx
2020-12-06 12:20
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Спасибо большое автору, за проделанную работу:) Заказываю не в первый раз, всегда все во время или даже раньше срока, качественно и недорого:)