Создан заказ №5841525
5 декабря 2020
Выполнить задания по англ языку
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
1. Analyze words “impetuous” and “highbrow” according to Mednicova’s classification (lectures 1-2)
2. With the help of a dictionary define the stylistic value of each of the following words: to die, to kick the bucket, to pass away, to decease, to expire (lecture 3)
3. Group the following words acc
ording to their origin: (lecture 4)
Machine, mule, chocolate, telephone, wigwam, kangaroo, beauty, umbrella, grotto, lottery, sonnet, karate, orange, punch, umbrella, violin, banana, coffee, canoe, hammock, hurricane, tobacco, tank, guitar, jungle, influenza, fiasco, kindergarten, rucksack, poodle, mosquito, potato, hamburger, lager, reef, deck, landscape, roster, coach, mazurka, polka, sugar, candy, shampoo, geisha, kimono, harem, sofa, assassin, zero, cruise, easel, kiosk, yoghurt, bazaar, caravan, bamboo, ketchup, tea, solo, cocoa, khaki
4. Explain the etymology of the following lexical units: guard, macaroni, rural, school, moustache, millennium, poultry, landscape (lecture 4)
5. Give an example to each type of word formation (lectures 5-6)
6. Analyze the following lexical units according to their morphological structure: good-for-nothing, Xmas, Eurovision, hitch-hike, irritation, slanguage, dilly-dally (lectures 5-6)
7. Define the types of morphemes in the following words: steamers, breakthrough, ambitious, unemployment, depressed, rearrange (lectures 5-6)
8. State the nature and the result of the semantic change in the words “deer” – OE “any animal” - Modern English and "fond" - Middle English „foolish, infatuated‟ - Modern English (lecture 8)
9. State the denotational and connotational meanings of the following words: to analyze, to consider, to investigate, to study, to scrutinize (lecture 7)
10. Make up a list of synonyms for the words “evident”, “man”, “woman” and “pastime”, "accommodation" and point out the synonymic dominant in each group (lectures 9-10)
11. State the types of the following homonyms: “flower-flour”, "lean - lean", “alter -altar”, “wail - whale”, “ear-ear”, "Czech - check" (lectures 9-10)
12. Explain the meaning of the following word combinations as free word combinations and as phraseological units: "best man", "first night", "break the ice", "black sheep", "burn one’s fingers" (lecture 11)
13. Analyze “nuts and bolts”, “one’s cup of tea”, “white lie”, "tread water", "feel under the weather" according to the types of phraseological units (lecture 11)
14. Characterize any English-English dictionary according to the lexicographic criteria (lecture 12
200 ₽
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Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
6 декабря 2020
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Выполнить задания по англ языку.docx
2020-12-09 09:58
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