Создан заказ №6201582
9 февраля 2021
Conduct research on the Lily Cares Foundation
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Corporate Social Responsibility essay on Lily Cares Foundation topic
Your assignment is to conduct research on the Lily Cares Foundation
These foundations are usually connected to a company, but separate from its main business stream.
Your research report has the following requirements:
1. Research
and report on the activity of the foundation or company. Your essay needs to be a critical analysis of the foundation/company and its activity. Please sure to include the following information as part of your essay.
a. What is the mission of the foundation/company?
b. How are does the foundation/company decide whom to support with its grants?
c. What is the source of funding for the foundation?
d. In what way, if any does the foundation complement the activity of the Company?
e. Assess the outcome of the work of the foundation/company.
2. The report is to be essay format with proper attribution for sources used.
3. The report should contain a bibliography.
4. Report should be minimum of 8 and maximum of 10 pages. The bibliography list is not included into the report.
Important reminder: The website of the foundation is not the only source of information about the foundation. Be sure to use other sources such as the Foundation Center and the sites of beneficiaries.
200 ₽
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20 дней
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10 февраля 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Conduct research on the Lily Cares Foundation .docx
2021-02-13 14:26
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