Создан заказ №6316955
8 марта 2021
Causes and consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Concerning the topic:
it shouldn't be written about the Chernobyl disaster itself but rather it should concentrate on Gorbachev's role in it, how his internal policy of Perestroyka and acceleration affected the country, and probably led to the disaster.
The length of the course paper must be betwe
en 3000 and 5000 words. Sources and literature in the Russian language shouldn't constitute more than 20 percent of the total number of items on the list of cited works.
Course paper is a historical research and it cannot be done without verified sources. All statements and opinions must be based on reliable facts and provided with strong arguments.(To put it in other words, you should convince the reader, not only provide an analysis, but show how you came to this or that particular conclusion). Try to be specific, avoid such phrases as "some historians think...; some people consider..."
In Introduction section you should give short characterictics of primary sources and short review of used literature, emphasizing, if possible, different opinions and controvercial issues on the topic. And in Conclusion section you should repeat the most important conclusions of your work, to put it in other words, Conclusion should mirror your Introduction in its structure (e.g. you set a goal in Introduction and you provide the answer/results in Conclusion).
!!!!!!!! The paper should be well structured and logically arranged, and the links to used literature/footnotes should be provided. It is not enough just to give the list of all used sources at the end of the paper (it is called Bibliography). But it is necessary to provide footnotes in the text with exact information about the source (the full link with the exact date when you used it if it is online source; if it is printed edition the full information about the author, title, place and year of publication and exact page should be provided).
Finally, avoid simple narrative as you are not writing an article for encyclopedia or textbook, but you are doing an individual research. So description should not prevail over analysis in your paper.
While writing a course paper the following requirements pertinent to a scientific piece of writing should be kept to:
students must not copy the text of another author – it has to be rephrased by using students’ language. The main statements, however, can be cited, but citations be brief and foot-noted;
abstract statements, for instance, ‘somebody states…’, ‘some authors consider…’, etc. are to be avoided. In all cases, the foot-notes should - --indicate the authors, titles of books, and pages, which contain the used information;
the theoretical part must reveal the differences on one or another issue on the part of separate authors. A student is expected to present his personal opinion or support one of the suggested views by giving arguments for his choice;
the description of facts is insufficient for the purpose – comments on the reasons of their origin and changes are a necessity;
the applied statistical data are to illustrate theoretical statements. Subject to data specifics and paper objectives, it is advised to present the statistical information in the form of tables, charts or diagrams (pictures).
if non-linear texts are taken from statistical reference books or journals, they should also carry explanations and be foot-noted. The author’s contribution is reflected by tables and made calculations, produced by the student on his own. If such is a case, the foot-note should read like this: ‘The table is compiled by the author with reference to …’;
the quality and novelty of the paper increase if the paper contains logical schemes, diagrams, and line-charts illustrating the analysed statistical information, in case they were made by the student himself. They also have to be commented on, (e.g. ‘the line-chart reveals the information that…) and show a clear reference towards the author;
the course paper has to be presented in a fluent language, avoiding repetition, style and grammar mistakes. If the publications of foreign authors are used, be aware of the quality of their translation.
Footnotes should be provided at the bottom of pages. First reference to books, articles, etc. should include the surname, initials, title, place, publisher, date, and page number cited.
500 ₽
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Causes and consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster..docx
2021-03-14 09:20
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