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Создан заказ №6358338
15 марта 2021

1) Задать общий и специальный вопрос к предложениям 2)и 3) Выполнить задания по тексту

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
ЗАДАЙТЕ ОБЩИЙ И СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ВОПРОС К КАЖДОМУ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЮ. 1. The professor speaks three foreign languages. 2. Next summer I’ll go to Spain. 3. She lived in Khabarovsk many years ago. 4. We meet him at the college every day. 5. The students will have passed the exam tomorrow by 2 p.m. 6. Walt Disney created his first cartoon film in 1928 7. Doctor Brown will give you advice. 8. He sent this postcard from Florida last week. 9. The girl feeds the pet every day. 10. She will visit her parents nest Sunday. 11. They have already finished their work. 12. He is translating the text now Выполнить задания по тексту : Vocational Education in Great Britain is aimed at the developing of a personality and the theoretical knowledge combined with personality practical skills. The British government encourages careers education. There are many various colleges in the country where one can obtain a professional education. These colleges accept also the foreign students. As everywhere in the world, this level of the educational system is used by the students as a platform for further study at the University. About 30% of all graduates of British colleges continue their studies at the universities. If you want to be enrolled a professional education program you must have General Certificate of Secondary Education or pass a test. Foreign students also need to be tested for English language proficiency (LELTS or TIEFL). Today business, social work, IT programming, art and design, engineering and hairdressing are the most popular programs of professional specialization. There are many educational institutions of professional education in the UK, all graduates are awarded by a professional qualification and a degree certificate (diploma). National Vocational Qualification . (NVQ) . This qualification entitles the graduates to work in industry and some fields of business. This qualification consists of 5 levels. The level of the specialist depends on his practical skills, and in some time specialist can increase it, giving the established norms. General Nation Vocational Qualification. (GNVQ). This qualification also consists of five levels and is appropriated to specialists in spheres of tourism, hotel business, etc. National Diploma. (ND) . This qualification suits those who plans to receive further degree of the bachelor and to be engaged act in professional activity. After receiving degree certificates the college graduates may continue their study or begin their career. The diploma about professional education in Great Britain allows to work as a junior managing personnel in British companies or to reach the highest level of qualification in production. Task 1. Answer the questions. 1. What is the education in the UK aimed at? 2. Where can one obtain a professional education? 3. Do the colleges accept the foreign students? 4. Where do the college graduates continue their studies? 5. What must you have to be enrolled a professional program? Task 2.Read the beginning of the sentences and find its end in the text. Foreign students also need to be tested… . 1. Today business, social work, IT programming, art and design… 2. All graduates are awarded by… . 3. 4. NVQ entitles the graduates to … . 4. 5. GNVQ consists of … . 5. Task 3. Choose the correct word or word expression for each blank. ND suits those who plan to receive further degrees of the… and to be engaged act in professional activity. 1. The college graduates may continue their … or begin their… 2. About … of all graduates of British colleges continue their… at the universities. 3. As everywhere in the world, the level of the education system is used by the students as a platform for … at the University. 4. There are many… of professional education in the UK. 5. В этом задании так же выполнить задания по тексту : Тема 4. Professional Education in Russia (Профессиональное образование в России) Task 1. Read and translate the text. Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life. The literacy rate in Russia is almost 100 %. Half of Russia’s adults have at least professional education. So Russia has the highest college – level education in the world. The development of the educational system in Russia is impossible to imagine without the full formation of the personality, which is achieved in mastering of profound knowledge, professional skills and considerable competence in one or more specific professions or specialties. In other words, a person needs to be improved. Vocational educational system in Russia would not have been possible without the participation of Peter I , who invented a specialized training 300 years ago. The main objectives of vocational education include: improvement of vocational education’s material basis; establishment of enterprises centre practice; involvement with production specialists for their participation in the training; the formation of professionals; Vocational education forms the consistent development of the individual and the mastering of theoretical knowledge in a particular specialty combined with practical skills. In Russia all programs, except for those which are based on general education, lead to the mastering of the specialty and in future, after receiving diploma, the graduates of the vocational educational institutions have the right to work in their specialty. Vocational training consists of 3 levels: professional education; higher professional education; post– graduate professional education, including post – graduate training programs. Task 2Match the beginning of the sentence in column A with the end of the sentence in column B. A. 1. The literary rate in Russia B.1.important role in our life. 1. 2. The development of the 2. is impossible to imagine educational system in Russia without the full formation 2. 3. Education plays 3. is almost 100%. 3. 4. Vocational educational system in Russia would not 4.needs to be improved. have been possible 4. 5. In other words, a person 5. without the participation of Peter I, who invented a specialized training 300 years ago. 5. Task 3. Are the following sentences true or false? 1. All Russia’s adults have at least professional education. 2. Russia has the highest college – level education in the world. 3.The main objective of vocational education is the formation of professional. 4. The full formation of personality is achieved in mastering of profound knowledge and professional skills. 5. After receiving diploma, the graduates of the vocational educational institutions have no right to work in their specialty
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
16 марта 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
Заказ выполнил
1) Задать общий и специальный вопрос к предложениям 2)и 3) Выполнить задания по тексту .docx
2021-03-19 12:34
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