Создан заказ №6531762
13 апреля 2021
Combining Ideas and Arguments from Book of the City of Ladies and A Vindication of the Rights of Women:
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
For your second high-stakes writing assignment, please write an essay in response to one of the following prompts, which ask you to examine key ideas and arguments in Book of the City of Ladies and A Vindication of the Rights of Women and to bring them into conversation with one another:
Author’s i
dea or argument -> summary->analysis and interpretation->judgment
1. Both Christine de Pizan and Mary Wollstonecraft each discuss at some point in their respective works the impact of learning and education on social attitudes towards women in their respective times. Look for text fragments, e.g., sentences, phrases, or short passages in both Book of the City of Ladies and A Vindication of the Rights of Women that touch upon this issue. Through quotation, paraphrase, or summary bring them into conversation with each other in the body paragraphs of your essay. Ultimately, you will be comparing and contrasting how they express their thoughts on how learning and education, whether through books or schools, affect social attitudes towards women. Finish your conclusion with one sentence that summarizes your entire paper.
2. Both Christine de Pizan and Mary Wollstonecraft each propose in their own way a hypothetical solution to the problems of gender inequality and educational standards in their societies. Christine de Pizan offers a creative solution in the form of an allegorical city based on Reason, Rectitude, and Justice, populated by women from throughout history who exemplify these values and virtues. By contrast, Mary Wollstonecraft argues for the establishment of a new system of national education (specifically Ch. XII). Questions you can use to guide your thinking and writing include: how effective are the forms of writing (allegory and manifesto) in these two texts for advancing ideas and arguments? Is one more effective and persuasive than the other? Ultimately, you will not only be analyzing these writers for their content, but also their form and style.
3. In First-Year Seminar I you read another writer who examined and critiqued the impact of learning and education upon social attitudes towards women, namely Virginia Woolf in A Room of One’s Own, and who offered her own solution for dealing with this problem. Taken together, we have three different writers from different times and places, yet all of them in some way or another, tackling the same issue. By this point, you may very well be asking yourself the question: why is this such a persistent topic among these very different writers in very different times and places? This is your stating point. For the this prompt, the main difference from the previous two is that you will need to revisit Woolf and add her into the conversation.
Technical Requirements:
• ≥1,500 words. Times New Roman font. 12 pt. Double-line spaced.
• Notes and bibliography in MLA styl
200 ₽
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14 апреля 2021
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Combining Ideas and Arguments from Book of the City of Ladies and A Vindication of the Rights of Women:.docx
2021-04-17 10:29
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Прислали мне работу на следующий день! Качественно написано, антиплагиат выдал 93% индивидуальность! ВАУ! Огромное спасибо автору за столь быструю работу!! Буду заказывать еще и без сомнений!! Спасибо, спасибо, спасибо!