Создан заказ №6637593
27 апреля 2021
Второстепенные члены предложения английского языка
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Ex.1 Analyse the sentences, state their structural and communicative type, the type of subject and predicate:
1. It’s nice to be sitting here with you.
2. Let’s not quarrel about trifles.
3. A lot of people will object to the book.
4. Could you do me a favour?
5. Thanks a lot.
6. This trend is likel
y to continue for another decade.
7. Mrs. Newsome at least has remained exquisite.
8. His house is next door.
9. There were differences of opinion.
10. Me spying!
11. Sunday mornings my mother would bake.
12. Phew!
Ex.2 State the type of the object and what it is expressed by:
1. He admitted attempting to smuggle diamonds into the country.
2. Have you ever heard Doris talking about her emotional life before?
3. She came across an old friend.
4. I’m looking for Jane.
5. What did you buy?
6. He gave me 10 seconds to make up my mind.
7. I’ll make it up with him again.
8. She insisted on all her employees coming to the Christmas lunch.
9. I wasn’t expecting you to help.
10.Which number did you dial?
11.Stop waiting for things to happen.
12.Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye; four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
Ex.3 State the type of the attribute and what it is expressed by:
1. And I thank all those brilliant people involved in the making of this absolutely fantastic film.
2. I’ve kept birds for some 30 years.
3. Freezing isn’t a bad thing of preserving food.
4. Jack Nicholson made £50 million from Batman alone.
5. They sent me to a fancy private school.
6. Ricardo was the last to go to bed.
7. I had made arrangements for my affairs to be dealt with by one of my children.
8. She’d like to hear it played by professional orchestra.
9. March hares were hopping down the hill.
10.The average age of the women interviewed was only 21.5.
11.We saw an awkward, slow-moving giant of a man.
12.My aunt lived in a small town, called Alson.
13.Her poor sap of a husband had to shut up.
14.Miss Gostrey sounded almost like a hope destroyed.
Ex.4 State the type of the apposition and what it is expressed by:
1. Mozart’s opera The Marriage of Figaro was considered revolutionary.
2. Mitochondrial diseases are caused by faulty DNA in the cytoplasm, the material surrounding the cell nucleus.
3. U.S. pop superstar Madonna gave birth on Friday to a baby boy.
4. Reproductive cloning - the cloning of individuals - will remain banned in the UK.
5. The report, a hefty three-volume work, included 150 recommendations.
6. The musical West Side Story was based on Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
7. We had a single desire, to change the administration’s policies.
8. During a 44,000-mile Commonwealth tour in 1953 the Queen took 12 tonnes of luggage, mainly clothing.
9. Ana, the leader of the group, was reluctant to relinquish any authority.
10.Sir John Morris, the former Attorney-General, has already given his consent for a prosecution for breaching the Official Secrets Act.
11.The report by Professor Liam Donaldson, the Chief Medical Officer, recommends approval for research into therapeutic cloning - a technique with "enormous potential" for treating a wide range of diseases, from Parkinson's to cancer.
12.Dr Gailey, 47, an Ulster-educated historian, was recommended to Prince William's parents by Eric Anderson, then Head Master of Eton.
Ex.5 State the type of the adverbial modifier in the following sentences and what it is expressed by:
1. The government decided to send all the children away to the countryside.
2. Where have you been?
3. He sat at the bottom of the stairs.
4. The trouble will clear up in a couple of days.
5. They worked without a break until about eight in the evening.
6. Jobs could be lost in the defence industry due to political changes sweeping Europe.
7. Katharine reappeared, having left her purse on a chair.
8. He took her upstairs so that they wouldn’t be overheard.
9. We had enough cash to buy a one-way ticket.
10. He hadn’t eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad.
11. He is very attractive, though certainly not a lady-killer.
12. I’m quite pleased to receive this award.
13. The coat cost an absolute fortune.
14. After standing still for a minute or two he turned and began to walk towards the gate
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
28 апреля 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


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