Создан заказ №6641940
28 апреля 2021
What is the meaning of evil if we are radically free СРОЧНО СЕГОДНЯ ДО 9
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Академическо - Философическое эссе по книге Камю "Чума", на английском. 1200 слов вместе с references. ...... 0. What is the meaning of ‘evil’ if we are radically free?
You need to show that you critically engage with the texts and are able to form your own opinion. (No extra reading is required)
• It doesn’t need to be completely original.
• But you need to identify the difficulties of your position and address them.
• Don’t avoid possible objections to your positions, show why they don’t defeat it.
→State a thesis and defend it.
Structure Especially with a short essay, a clear structure is fundamental to put forward your argument. • Introduction (why you address this problem, context) + Thesis Statement (what you will argue for and what steps you will take)
• Body (argue for your position and maybe address an objection to your position to show why your position still holds).
• Conclusion (shortly – one or two phrases – sum up what you have done and how it answers the problem you began with).
Style You should use a clear and precise, academic language (not a colloquial one). • Don’t leave things implicit. (What is clear to you, might not be clear to others).
• Avoid long quotations in a short essay.
• Avoid personal anecdotes.
• Don’t assume previous knowledge on part of the reader.
• Don’t state your opinions as such, show their plausibility through argument.
Stay theoretical It is a humanities paper: so you should argue for a position in theoretical terms, by showing for what reasons it is more plausible than others. • You should not explain how things are empirically, but rather develop a theoretical position.
• Don’t sum up the papers we read in class, but rather appropriate and modify their arguments to put forward your point of view.
• Don’t base your argument and your personal views, without explaining their theoretical plausibility.
Most Common Mistakes Often papers use good material, but yield worse results than they could because they miss the formal criteria of a philosophy paper. • Empirical Essays, explaining a certain state of things (no theoretical position).
• Opinion Essays, which read like Op-Eds (no theoretical argument).
• Resumés of one or more authors read in class without arguing for one or another position (no own theoretical position).
200 ₽
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29 апреля 2021
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What is the meaning of evil if we are radically free СРОЧНО СЕГОДНЯ ДО 9.docx
2021-05-02 18:07
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очень хорошо составляет эссе быстро и в срок, не требует дополнения разборчиво и понятен весь текст)