Создан заказ №6776716
10 мая 2021
Online entertainment industry in the context of the World Trade Organization on the examples of China and the
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Essay in English
Topic should include:
- Functioning (role) of international/bilateral economic organization or agreement
- Implications of international agreements for domestic (selected) economy
- Surrounding policy debate / policy tradeoffs, with support of relevant theoretical
Table of content for essay
Functioning of the organization (WTO) -
• general overview of the organization,
• WTO history brief description
• WTO main activities
• impact on member countries
2. Online entertainment industry -
• general definition
• main players
• peculiarities of development
• trends
3. WTO impact on online entertainment industry
• description of WTO and its agreements on online entertainment industry
• general impact on the industry
• detailed description of the example of country 1 and its economy
• detailed description of the example of country 2 and its economy
20 pages Times New Roman, 12, interval 1.
200 ₽
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20 дней
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11 мая 2021
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Online entertainment industry in the context of the World Trade Organization on the examples of China and the .docx
2021-05-14 15:05
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