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27 мая 2021
Ответы на вопросы на английском The speech "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King.
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Здравствуйте! Нужно ответить на 8 вопросов ниже по речи Мартина Лютера Кинга. Речь есть в открытом доступе, она не большая!Оригинальность от 70% хотя бы. На восемь вопросов +- 4 страницы 1.What audience is Dr.King trying to persuade in this speech? How can you tell? What is his main point? 2.Why doe
s he begin with the somewhat archaic 'Five score years ago" instead of saying simply "One hundred years ago"? 3.Underline or highlight all of the examples of deliberate repetition you can find. Explain how this repetition functions to increase the effectiveness of Dr.King's appeal. 4.In paragraph 2, he observes that "the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." He could have said the same thing this way: "The life of the Negro is still sadly curltailed by segregation and discrimination." What does he achieve through his choice of the words "crippled", "manacles," and "chains"? 5.Explain why the metaphor of "to cash a check" is effective in paragraph 4. 6.Several times Dr.King uses extremely short sentences: "We cannot walk alone" (end of paragraph 6), "We cannot turn back" ( paragraph 7), "I have a dream today" (paragraphs 15 and 17). Can you explain why he chose to make these sentences so short? 7.Point out three transitional devices used in this speech. 8.If you didn't know of Dr.King's Christian ministry, would you guess that he was a preacher from reading his speech? What strong biblical influences can you detect
200 ₽
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28 мая 2021
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Ответы на вопросы на английском The speech "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King..docx
2021-05-31 19:33
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Замечательный автор! Выполнила большое количество тестов по английскому в день заказа на высокий балл! Спасибо, буду теперь постоянным клиентом)