Создан заказ №7021042
30 мая 2021
The challenges of the current developing world
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Предмет: Principles pf development economy.
Please write an essay on a topic “The challenges of the current developing world”. Please limit it to either demographic, socio-economic or economic challenges as these are the primary concern of our course. It is completely up to you if you f
ocus on developing world as such, or a developing region, or an individual country. It is also up to you if you include all three aspects (demographic, economic, or socio-economic), or choose one. Your task to is to think of, based on all information that you have learnt in our course, the challenges of the current developing world and present your knowledge and thoughts in the essay which will serve as background for your course assessment.
Deadline: 10 June 2021
Submission: via MS Teams only
Length: 1.500 – 2.500 words (please include references and cite your sources, if applicable)
Please, make sure that your submission contains the following:
1. Your name
2. Subtitle of the essay (in case you want to focus on a specific challenge, or a specific country please indicate your own subtitle for the topic)
3. References (please use in-text citations and add a list of references – at least 5
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
31 мая 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


The challenges of the current developing world.docx
2021-06-03 12:46
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