Создан заказ №724322
25 сентября 2015
The analysis of HRM strategy and policies of a company
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
To make the presentation you choose a company that operates in Russia. Please don’t take global companies like Google, Toyota or Ford if you don’t intend to say about their HR policies and practices implemented in Russia. You can choose company of any size and business area. One company can’t be cho
sen by several teams in one group.
You will be working in 3- or 4- member team to develop presentation, there is a strict time limit of 15 minutes (I use timer). The list of teams and the companies should be mailed to me the day before the seminar.
The presentation should include:
1. a brief overview of the organization (brief history, business area, number of employees)
2. the key business and HR challenges for the company (identify the goals of HRM system, point out industry and market determinants).
3. how the company adopts HR policies and practices, focus on:
a. staffing,
b. performance management,
c. compensation and benefits
d. training and development
e. corporate culture and other functions
4. how HRM in the company is linked to general strategy (Miles et al., 1978), stage of life-cycle (Storey, Sisson 1993) and mission focus (Gerchikov 2012).
Use slides ##16-30 to analyze main features of HRM (please implement three dimensions: competitive strategy, life-cycle and mission). You should try to use a variety of sources for your presentation, besides the company’s official website you may find useful information on blogs, employee discussion boards, articles or studies etc. (remember that all sources need to be cited at the end of presentation).
Презентация на английском язык
200 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
26 сентября 2015
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


The analysis of HRM strategy and policies of a company.docx
2018-07-18 13:33
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Обратился с заказом поздно ночью, на следующий день в 10 утра отправил информацию и в 12.15 был заказ готов. Я шокирован быстротой и качеством работы. Спасибо огромное