Создан заказ №7257705
18 августа 2021
Political events in the Middle East as a clash of strategies in IR
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Hypothesis: Russia and the US have had long and complex relations with the states of the Middle East and have willingly participated in the politics of the region. Since the outbreak of the Arab Spring in 2011, the region has become the arena of a clash of two lines in international relations, the
US’s one aimed at "democratizing the states" and the Russian one aimed at “protecting the sovereignty of a state”.
Research question: Is the Middle East after 2011 a special case of the collision of two basic strategies in International relations or just another one
3000 ₽
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25 августа 2021
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Political events in the Middle East as a clash of strategies in IR.docx
2021-08-28 16:51
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