Создан заказ №7323789
14 сентября 2021
Подобрать 8-10 тем для магистерской диссертации
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Придумать темы в рамках курса "Нераспространение ОМУ, ядерная безопасность, мирное использование атома". Крайне желательно связать Россию и Китай или Россию, Китай и США в теме. Нужно подумать, что актуально и интересно + чтобы всё же были возможности найти информацию по вопросу. Время если что смог
у продлить.
Примеры подобных тем:
1. U.S.-Russia Collaboration on the NPT Extension in 1995: Lessons Learned and Policy Recommendations for the NPT Review Process.
2. US-Soviet/Russian Cooperation on Proliferation Prevention: A Case Study and Lessons Learned [Options: a) Iraq; b) Libya; c) DPRK; d) Syria.]
3. Ensuring a Sustainable and Long-term Solution to Risks Related with Further Development of the Iranian Nuclear Program.
4. Effectiveness of Sanctions as a Tool of Nonproliferation Policy: Historical Cases and Lessons Learned.
5. Multilateral Diplomacy for Addressing Proliferation Concerns: Challenges and Solutions.
6. Addressing the Risk of Missile Technology Proliferation Through Transparency Measures and Multilateral Arms Control. The Potential of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).
7. Prospects for International Cooperation on Addressing Cyber Threats to Civil Nuclear Facilities.
8. Prospects for Dialogue on Nuclear Nonproliferation, Arms Control and Strategic Stability between Russia/the United States and China.
9. Prospects for Dialogue on Nuclear Nonproliferation, Arms Control and Strategic Stability between Russia, the United States, and China.
10. The Future of the P5 as a Collective Framework for Addressing Nuclear Threats
11. Updating the Concept of Strategic Stability and Identifying Key Parameters of Future Arms Control.
12. Criteria of Success for the NPT Review Process: Lessons Learned from the 2010 and 2015 NPT RevCons and Looking into the 2020 RevCon.
13. Improving the Mechanisms and Increasing the Efficiency of the NPT Review Process: Ideas for the 2025 NPT Review Cycle.
14. Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy and Nuclear Risks in [options, choose one: a) Brazil; b) Japan; c) South Korea; d) Egypt; e) Indonesia]: a Case Study.
15. Platform for a Constructive Dialogue Between Nuclear-Weapon States and Non-Nuclear-Weapon States on Article 6 of the NPT?
16. Assessing Nuclear Security Threats in [a) Central Asia; b) South Asia; c) the Middle East; d) ASEAN Region].
17. Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula: the Role of Bilateral US-DPRK Dialogue and Involvement of Regional Stakeholders.
18. Negative Security Assurances as a Contribution to Nuclear Nonproliferation: Case-Studies and Lessons for the Future.
19. Impact of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime.
20. Outer Space Regulation: Prospects for Peaceful Exploration and Prevention of Arms Race.
21. IAEA Safeguards: Current Challenges and Potential Ways of Transformation
22. Addressing Proliferation Risks Related to Nuclear Fuel Cycle.
23. Peaceful Nuclear Energy Development in the [options, choose one: a) Middle East; b) South-East Asia; c) Europe; d) Latin America; e) Africa].
24. Developing an International Dialogue on Nuclear Security.
25. Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism: Current Challenges, New Technologies, and New Solutions.
26. Ways to Unblock Multilateral Disarmament Processes and Improve its Machinery
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
15 сентября 2021
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