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Reading&amp speaking Read the following review of a book called The Bosses Speak
Создан заказ №734327
4 октября 2015

Reading&amp speaking Read the following review of a book called The Bosses Speak

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Задание: решить контрольную по языкам (переводам), срок 2 дня, очень нужно! Расписывайте, пожалуйста, подробное решение для каждой задачи.
Фрагмент выполненной работы:
Reading&speaking Read the following review of a book called The Bosses Speak. For each question below (1-6), circle the correct answer (A, B, C). Then make the summary of the text. The Bosses Speak. John Stuart is an executive recruitment specialist who has turned to writing. The result is this book, based on interviews with twenty Chief Executives. Each top manager - none of them famous names, surprisingly - is given a short some introductory material and a conclusion. (работа была выполнена специалистами author24.ru) This means you can jump from one person to another, in any order, which is good for people who are too busy to read a book from cover to cover. For a management book it isn’t expensive, although whether it’s good value for money is doubtful. Some of the twenty interviewees started their own businesses, while others joined a company and worked their way up. Some are fairly new in their position, and others have had years of experience, though, strangely, Stuart doesn’t seem interested in these differences. The interviewees work in everything, from retailing to airlines to software, and it is this variety that forms the main theme of Stuart’s book. I have to say that Stuart’s approach annoys me. He rarely stays at a distance from his interviewees, who are mostly presented in their own, positive words. If this were always the case, at least you would know where you were. But he seems 12 to dislike certain interviewees. As a result, I don’t know whether to accept any of his opinions. It also means that the book gives no clear lessons. At the very least, I expected to learn what makes a successful Chief Executive. But these people seem to share two types of qualities. Some of them are very common, suggesting that anyone can be equally successful, which is definitely not the case. And the other qualities are ones which most successful bosses I’ve seen definitely do the end I‘m no wiser about what really goes on. Perhaps I’m being unfair. As long as you don’t think about whether you’d like them as friends, and pay no attention to most of the advice they give, the most readable parts are where the bosses describe their route to their present position. Stuart seems to think that his book would be useful for people aiming for the top, and that it might even make a few want to start their own company; but, in fact, what they could learn here is very limited. Seen as light business reading for a doctor or teacher, though, this book would provide some good entertainment. 1. The reviewer suggests that one advantage of the book is that A. it is better value than other management books. B. it does not need to be read right through. C. it is about well-known people. 2. The book concentrates on the fact that the twenty executives who are interviewed A. work in a number of different industries. B. started their companies. C. have worked for different lengths of time. 3. The reviewer cannot accept Stuart’s opinions because Stuart A. makes unreasonable complaints about the interviewees. B. writes too positively about the interviewees. C. has different attitudes towards different interviewees. 4. Reading the book made the reviewer think that A. there are certain qualities which all Chief Executives need. B. it is difficult to discover how people really run a company. C. running a company is easier than many people think. 5. Which parts of the book did the reviewer most enjoy reading?13 A. how the interviewees became Chief Executives B. what sort of people the interviewees are C. the advice given by the interviewees 6. The reviewer recommends the book for people who A. intend to set up in business. B. want to become senior managers. C. are outside the field of business. Решение: 1. The reviewer suggests that one advantage of the book is that... B. it does not need to be read right through. 2. The book concentrates on the fact that the twenty executives who are interviewed... A. work in a number of different industries. 3. The reviewer cannot accept Stuart’s opinions because Stuart... B. writes too positively about the interviewees. 4. Reading the book made the reviewer think that... A. there are certain qualities which all Chief Executives need. 5. Which parts of the book did the reviewer most enjoy reading?... A. how the interviewees became Chief Executives. 6. The reviewer recommends the book for people who... C. are outside the field of business. Summary This article is about John Stuart’s book called “The Bosses Speak”. The author insists that this book could not be useful for someone who wants to start his own business...Посмотреть предложения по расчету стоимости
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