Создан заказ №7386078
25 сентября 2021
The System of education in Great Britain is rather complicated. By law
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
The System of education in Great Britain is rather complicated. By law, children in G.B. go to school at the age of 5. They go to Infant school for two years. At the age of 7 they go to Junior school. So, English children get their Primary education during 6 years. At the age of I1 they take the so-
called 11+ examination (Eleven plus exam). It is an examination in English and arithmetic: The I I+ examination includes intelligence testing. Each boy or girl is given a printed test paper, On the test paper we can find 100 questions and 5 answers to each question. The pupil must choose the correct answer to each question. Time is limited. Children who have very good results go to the Grammar school. Some children go to the Secondary Technical schools. Those who have bad results, go to the Secondary Modern school. The education system in the UK The Grammar school prepares pupils for University or college. Those who study at the Secondary Technical school are taught practical subjects, such
100 ₽
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26 сентября 2021
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The System of education in Great Britain is rather complicated. By law.docx
2021-09-29 19:58
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