Создан заказ №747101
13 октября 2015
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Задание 1. Прочитайте об этих людях. Найдите абзацы о каждом из них и поставьте их в правильном порядке, чтобы получить текст о каждом.
1. Ursula Buhmann, 13, lives with her family in Lucerne, Switzerland.
2. Vichai, 18, lives in a town house with his family in Bngkokа, Thailand.
3. Sue Morris and
her husband Geoff run a corner shop (milkbar) in North Carton, Australia.
a) His older sister also lives at home. Their house is near Kasertsart University where he is in the second year of an engineering course. Lessons start at 8 in the morning and go on until 3 in the afternoon from Monday till Friday. When he graduates, he wants to be a civil engineer.
b) My father is a lorry driver and my mother is a housewife. I’m the youngest of five children. We live in a small block of flats with five other families in the old part of town.
c) I usually have boiled rice for breakfast, and then at lunchtime I have chicken with fried rice or a bowl of noodles in the university canteen. In the evening I eat with my family. My mother cooks. Her food is the best in the whole world.
d) Shops like these are like community meeting places. We look after people’s keys, pass on messages, look after kids, we even cash cheques for those people who never have time to go to the bank.
e) It takes her about fifteen minutes to walk to school, but in summer she goes by bike. She is in the second year of Mariahiff secondary school. It has about 250 pupils with eighteen to twenty girls and boys in each class.
f) At the weekend he earns some extra money teaching computer studies at a private computer school. He enjoys playing takraw, a Thai game played with a light ball made of rattan, which you can hit with your foot, knee, elbow or heel, but not with your hand. He loves living in Bangkok, but hates the traffic jams, which get worse every year.
g) I have about thirty lessons a week from Monday to Saturday, starting at 7.45 am and going on until 4.30 or 5.00 pm, with Wednesday and Saturday afternoons free and a lunchbreak of two and a half hours every day. Schools here don’t provide lunch so everyone goes home. When I leave school, I want to work with children, maybe in a kindergarten.
h) It sells all sort of food and household goods from sandwiches to washing-up liquid, from magazines to nails and screws. We offer a wide range of products. It is like three or four shops rolled into one.
i) The hours are terribly long. The shop opens at 6.00 am and closes at 10.00 pm, except on Sunday when it’s 8.30 am until 9.30 pm. Our whole lives are controlled by the shop. There are a lot of things we can’t do anymore. We don’t go to the movies, we don’t go camping at the weekend. But it’s the long hours that make the money.
Задание 2. Письменно переведите текст о студенте из Таиланда.
Задание 3. Перепишите текст о семье, владеющей магазином, изменив все глагольные формы на формы прошедшего простого времени.
Задание 4. Составьте 10 вопросов в настоящем простом времени, на которые можно найти ответы в тексте о школьнице.
100 ₽
Заказчик не использовал рассрочку
Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
14 октября 2015
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


2015-10-17 13:33
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