Создан заказ №7549985
22 октября 2021
Explain how reciprocity relieves and / or intensifies limerence.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
GUIDELINES: Pages 3 – 4 / Font: 10 – 12 pt. (no cursive) / double-space
ASSIGNMENT: Keeping in mind the themes and experiences expressed in Tennov’s book, Love and Limerence, write an essay that explores one of the topics listed below. Use the appropriate terminology as seen in Tennov's text
NO: "I statements", or "YOU / YOUR" in academic writing
REFERENCE: Use Tennov's terminology: limerent and limerent object (LO). You may also use "lover(s), beloved, but preference should be with Tennov's terminology. These are specific identifiers that are better than "he", "she" "the couple" etc. This paper is about the dynamics of limerence active on an individual or within a relationship. Dynamics and the roles played must be clear, so check that your references regarding the parties involved are clear. Do not rely solely on pronouns
200 ₽
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23 октября 2021
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Explain how reciprocity relieves and / or intensifies limerence..docx
2021-10-26 06:40
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