Создан заказ №7565072
26 октября 2021
2,000 words essay based on a case study on company's internationalization
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Read the case materials on Blackboard and choose from Tesla in China or Tata in the UK
(or Tata in another host country) to write a 2,000 words individual essay by building on the
first five weeks of the course. The essay needs to address the following tasks:
(1) Choose only one firm, i.e. Tesla in
China or Tata in the UK (or Tata in another host
country) and briefly describe the firm’s international expansion, for example very
briefly about background information and the selected host country
(2) The main task of the essay is to select two of the theoretical perspectives
discussed in Week 1 – Week 5 in this course. Based on the case text, compare and
contrast the two chosen theoretical perspectives to discuss the firm’s motive(s) of
internationalization; the selection of foreign entry strategy and locational choice.
Link the discussion up to the challenges experienced by the firm in the selected host
country, for example market competition, regulations and development of
The essay should demonstrate your critical thinking skills by providing in-depth analysis
about the firm’s choice and one or two problems facing the firm in the host country.
To write a good essay, you should critically assess the theories’ ability to help us understand
the case. What insights can the theories offer? Are there any aspects of the case that the
theories can explain less well? For example, after identifying the challenge(s) experienced
by the firm, you may critically discuss their theoretical explanations in international
business. Whether theoretical knowledge introduced in Week 1 – Week 5 would be
sufficient to explain the problem facing the firm in the host country? If not, why? What are
the alternative explanation(s)? Please justify your recommendation(s) use appropriate
theoretical explanation(s) and evidence(s).
Individual assignment – Aims, requirements and suggestions
o Demonstrate the ability to draw on knowledge obtained from this and other
course units. Apply the knowledge to a practical business situation.
Carry out research independently to show in-depth understanding of the
lecture topics in the first five weeks
o Indicate critical thinking skills of theoretical frameworks in international
business research
o Weight: 50% of total mark for this course
o Word limits: Maximum 2,000 words individual essay all inclusive, i.e. table of
content, headings, in-text citations; tables, figures, references, footnotes and
appendix. Use footnotes instead of endnotes.
o Format: Please use a cover page to state the essay title and student ID (Cover
page is not part of word count). The essay needs to be in Times New Roman;
12pt; margin left/right 2.5cm; line spacing 2.0; page number at the bottom
centre. The use of citations and references need to be consistent throughout the
o The DEADLINE for submission of your individual assignment is 3pm 15th
November 2021. Blackboard submission will be activated by 1st November
2021. Please note that assessed essays can only be submitted via
o Individual assignment will be discussed in Week 2’s seminar.
Guidance about individual assignment will be provided in Week 3 – Week 5
during seminars
o You will have the opportunity to write a maximum 1,000 words essay plan
that outline the structure and arguments of your work. Formative feedback
will be provided about your essay plan. The aim of formative feedback is to
help you prepare for the final assessed essay for the course. To receive
formative feedbacks, you need to submit the essay plan by 3pm 1st November
2021 using Blackboard/Turnitin. Please note the submission of the essay plan
is optional
o The case materials on Blackboard are introductory. To write a good
individual essay, i.e. show critical thinking skills and analytical depth, you
may need to do your own research and probe a wide range of literature
beyond readings in course outline.
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
27 октября 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


2,000 words essay based on a case study on company's internationalization.docx
2021-10-30 14:46
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