Создан заказ №7688401
17 ноября 2021
Выпуск нового продукта на рынок, дать рекомендации по стратегия. Hockley Valley Brewing Co., Inc.
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
During the summer of 2013, the company founder and operations manager of Hockley Valley Brewing Co. Inc., a microbrewery situated in rural Ontario, were reviewing the company's product mix. Sales at a recent summer festival showed a strong demand for light beers, rather than the dark ales that made
up the majority of Hockley's sales. Not only did the company compete with large multinational brewing companies, but they faced stiff competition from the established and new microbreweries that were springing up all over Ontario to meet consumer demand for fresh, local and unique beers. They had to decide whether the company should launch a new lager to further penetrate the light beer market; if so, they also had to make recommendations on pricing, distribution and promotional strategies for the new brand.
Harvard Business Coursepack.
This course will utilize three case studies from the Harvard Business for Education. Please follow the link to sign-up for and purchase the coursepack:
Case Study Questions:
Perform an external (industry and competition) analysis. What implications can be drawn for the launch of Hockey Classic?
Perform a corporate capabilities analysis. What implications can be drawn for the launch of Hockley Classic?
Evaluate the proposed new product, Hockley Classic. Should Hockley add the product to its line of craft beers?
At what price should Hockley Classic be sold? Why? At this price, what would be the unit contribution?
Evaluate Hockley’s placement alternatives, including the sales needed to break even for The Beer Store. What distribution strategy do you recommend for Hockley Classic?
In 3 pages, and applying material from the chapter readings of this module, answer the above questions. Integrate references (minimum of 3). Reply to these questions in essay (not Q & A) format. Provide a graduate level introduction paragraph, and conclusion paragraph.
Use the provided writing template, and follow 6th edition APA writing conventions.
200 ₽
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Гарантия сервиса
20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
18 ноября 2021
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой


Выпуск нового продукта на рынок, дать рекомендации по стратегия. Hockley Valley Brewing Co., Inc. .docx
2021-11-21 14:06
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