Создан заказ №7716451
21 ноября 2021
Эссе по международным отношениям на английском языке по теме на выбор
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Эссе НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ на 2000 слов по междунарродным отношениям на одну из тем на выбор: (ПРОСЬБА ПРОЧИТАТЬ ДОКУМЕНТ С ПОДРОБНЫМИ КРИТЕРИЯМИ ЭССЕ)
Темы на выбор:
• “Prince" of N. Machiavelli, Europe of the Late Middle Ages and the ethics of the sovereign: is there a place for morality in interna
tional relations?
• Was Thucydides right? How applicable is the Athenian concept of power in modern international relations?
• Anarchy of T. Hobbes, and the world in 2021: was he right and why?
• The historical context and heritage of the works of G. Grotius: who and why was interested in an idea of international law?
• Legacy of J.-J. Rousseau: is man still born free, which chains await him in 2021 and what does this mean for international relations?
• Utopia and reality as the main analytical categories of E. H.Carr, and what would be your modern “bet”: realists or utopians?
• WWI – inevitable catastrophe or a set of mistakes? Realist, Liberal or Neo-Marxist perspective (please choose)
• Woodrow Wilson legacy. Was his idea of collective security utopian?
• Interwar period: when the balance between utopians and realists was lost? Carr`s perspective vs. liberal idealists.
• Analysis of mistakes: key wrong solutions of the Interwar period that led to WWII?
• Why was liberal internationalism substituted by liberal idealism: international political and historical context?
• The League of Nations vs. the United Nations: Why is the UN more stable? The liberal perspective
• Why did the League of Nations fail? Realism perspective
• The world after 1945: realism vs. liberalism perspective.
200 ₽
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22 ноября 2021
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Эссе по международным отношениям на английском языке по теме на выбор.docx
2021-11-25 23:54
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