Создан заказ №7725064
23 ноября 2021
Select two separate eras in time for example 1950’s vs 1970s / 60’s vs 2000s, and by looking at a genre, (tv,
Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Select two separate eras in time for example 1950’s vs 1970s / 60’s vs 2000s, and by looking at a genre, (tv, film, popular songs, books, etc.,) look at how love is depicted. How does each era reflect the cultural mores, expectations, social climate and gender roles of the time through the chosen ge
nre. Be sure to inform what was happening politically, culturally or socially during the eras discussed. You are basically exploring if love is culturally framed through popular culture or if it is reactionary (rebelling against the status quo). (see Tennov’s discussion on page 175.
Take up the opposing arguments between Stendhal and Gasset on page 177. Summarize their arguments, and then provide an agreement with one or the other. Be sure to clearly articulate your reasoning by using their main argumentative points. (AVOID: "I Statements" such as "I think that...I believe that...I agree/ disagree.. )
200 ₽
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24 ноября 2021
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Select two separate eras in time for example 1950’s vs 1970s / 60’s vs 2000s, and by looking at a genre, (tv, .docx
2021-11-27 08:01
Последний отзыв студента о бирже Автор24
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Прекрасный автор, выполнила работу качественно и раньше срока, все требования были соблюдены, советую всем.